Tuesday, April 23, 2013

15 reasons why Windows Phone 8 sucks for me ( as consumer )

  1. Facebook app really fucking sucks!  Notification messages doesn’t work!
  2. Integrated Facebook chat is the same...
  3. Twitter, is the same… nicer than Facebook but  same notifications problem.
  4. No dropbox app (but Skydrive is awesome!)
  5. No Instagram app, is there any free alternative?
  6. Native Youtube is missing ☹ 
  7. There’s no alternative browser or search engine to bing
  8. Whatsapp app is maybe the nicest app I downloaded
  9. Sometimes network  goes offline and there’s no way to get it back
  10. Saving photos directly to SD card is very slow, it may takes about 10 seconds per photo
  11. Saving a recorded video to SD card is completely buggy with video lags  and audio strutterings. 
  12. There’s a folder called “Others” that is always full of something that fill internal memory. I can’t delete its content and I must delete some applications because memory is full and phone doesn’t work properly.
  13. Bluetooth doesn’t match with my BT-Voice speaker.
  14. No notification center
  15. Only four vibrations while ringing!

Am I too critic?
Don't you agree with me?

Damn the day I sold my Android :(

1 comment:

  1. Windows Phone 8 sucks badly and as it lacks the power to customize as well. I aslo cannot use my bluetooth keyboard with it to type my notes for school. The hubs are not customizable except for the wallpaper. I cannot organize music by folder but only see it sorted by artist. I gave Microsoft a second chance as I have abandoned Windows desktops for my Macbook. I think Microsoft's top-down approach has failed it and Windows Phone 8 will fail to catch on successfully with consumers. I am willing to keep my Nokia 810, however, while I use an alternative phone, and wait until Microsoft releases updates giving me more usability over my own phone. It seems Microsoft has fallen into some sort of DRM syndrome as it is trying to hand off crippled phones to consumers. I am being more patient this time around because I want an alternative to iOS and Android. Are you listening Microsoft??
