Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Make a joke to your colleague

Basically I like to have fun and be funny in every possible way, expecially be fun through code.
As follows a joke you can make to a colleague who goes away from his desktop and leave the pc unlocked.

If your colleague was working with a browser you can leave him any kind of javascript joke, an alert, a confirm...
You can inject it through dev-console (F12) or url address bar typing for example javascript:confirm('Format your Hard Drive?').

But you can think about something more annoying...

Monday, July 28, 2014

Move ViewState out of the page

From this year I'm working on a ASP.NET Web Forms project. I'm currently tuning this project with some tweaks.
One of those tweaks is related to ViewState, IMHO the Achilles' heel of this framework.
Due to business decisions, budget etc... dev-team could not re-engineer the entire pages, so they decided to improve whatever possible.

Move ViewState out of the page... that means one thing: lighter pages!

ViewState, by default implementation,  is actually stored in a HiddenField, but you can move it everywhere: Session, Cache, Database...

New year, new theme!

I know actually it's not a very new year.... we are almost in august!

I do not write in this blog from more than an year... and I miss it a little bit.
I see posting like a way to share things, make a personal memo, suggest how to solve problem or just turn on a lamp inside a brain.

Meanwhile, I change theme!

Sorry for my bad english! The important thing is that you understand me!